Monday, July 18, 2016

What is your computer experience?
My computer experience is intermediate level i would say.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have no experience with photoshop or illustrator.

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
Not yet, but will download them later.

What is your major ?
Currently Computer Graphics.

What do you hope to get out of this class?
To learn Photoshop and Illustrator.

Who is your favorite artist?
I think they are all pretty good.

Who is your favorite musician? 
Nujabes. Some bands.

Tell me something interesting about yourself?
Into drawing.

Write a five line story?
Kevin's parents bought him a puppy for his birthday. Kevin named the dog Rollie and would walk and play with him everyday. The two became best pals. One day Kevin accidently slipped into a pool and Rollie rescued Kevin. The two were unharmed and Rollie became the towns hero.


Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Tim Brown talks about how designers should focus less on the object, and more on design thinking in approach, and problem solving with the person in mind. He also introduces the idea of  integrative thinking, which is the ability to exploit opposing ideas and opposing constraints to create new solutions. I agree that design is and should be human centered, focused around the needs of the person. I like the idea and apporach of the learning by making, instead of thinking of what to build, build in order to think way of design. I agree that prototypes speed up the process of innovation along with active participation from the community.

Homework #1

How to Ruin a Great Design seems to highlight the theme that newer doesn’t necessarily mean better. I agree with the author, that a newer redesigned model of something can often at times be inferior to the original version. There needs to be care and caution when designing or redesigning something. Things need to be designed in a way that is logical and practical, otherwise errors or even life-threatening danger can occur, like in the case of a poorly designed traffic sign.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Hmwrk #2

Hmwrk #2

In Rethinking the Way we Sit Down, Niels Diffrient talks about how his love of planes lead him to learning the technical aspects of the plane. This eventually lead him to art and the aesthetics of the plane, to designing specific interiors such as chairs. I think many of us learn this way as well, where learning one thing leads to learning another thing. Niels talks about many approaches he takes in design, one of the aspects being to design something around the person. I agree that designs around the person is a great approach to designing anything. I agre that adjustments can be made in a variety of ways and factors for a products such as a chair, such as form, positioning of levers, shape of headrest and cushions, and the height.